Sunday, August 25, 2013

Writing Today's Tiny Story

I came abroad in order to follow my dream and pursue the purpose that I had for my life.  But once I got here, all those dreams and purposes were not what I really wanted.  All of a sudden I was at a total loose end, I did not know why I had come here and fell into a deep despondency that at times still grips me.
I felt like I was wasting a year of my life doing something that I did not really enjoy and that was not going to get me anywhere in my career.  I was beating myself up for making this happen when I clearly was meant to stay at home.

But fortunately for me, God ordains everything.  Even the bugger ups we make He turns into His perfect will.  There is such comfort in that!  Because when we hold onto that, there is always hope.
I came here on a mission to do a whole lot of stuff; study Swedish, do short courses -- all so that I could maybe study here further and possibly stay for a longer period of time.  Now that I think of that I feel really dumb for being so naive. I cannot wait to go home.

So after six months of feeling really despondent and homesick - which at times I still am - I am able to catch a glimpse of what God has given me in this year.  He has blessed me with a whole new way of life, a new family, time and space to relax and just simply be.  The problem is that for so long I have been feeling down for not achieving what I planned when really something much more wonderful has simply been given to me as a gift.

I have really learned a lot more about what life is about.  I have always been very focused and purposeful.  Everything I do has to be seen as worthwhile in reaching a specific goal for me to put effort in to it. 
I love to-do lists and planning and ticking off tasks completed.  Those who know me will all know of my daily planner obsession with all its little boxes waiting to be ticked off.  Many people always admired my organisation and I took pride in being someone who accomplished a lot of things.

But this year, I got so tired of it all - the constant pressure to always be doing something, to always be achieving something – was wearing me out.  This was partly because I got here and was at a loose end as to what exactly the point of this whole experience was.  I have been suffering from a bad case of anxiety and this quote kind of helped me figure out why.

I am so grateful for this time which although tough, has taught me to be still and know and to live in the present. At moments ‘the present’ has seemed like a never ending plain of the Free State stretching out before me.  And its weight has pressed down on me like the Natal humidity making it hard to breathe at times. 

Life is not about getting anywhere or accomplishing anything really.  It is, well, it is about living.  I feel like I have lived in a daydream for most of my life thinking that everything would be perfect once I had achieved a specific goal – once I had finished school or got my degree, if I could live abroad, get the perfect job, travel, see the world – but with the achievement of each goal, another one quickly emerged and yet again I was living for the future of ‘when’.

This year I am learning that life is really nothing big.  It is not some big calling or mission.  As Christians we often feel like we need this huge purpose.  But our purpose is just to live and to live fully.  We are called.  Called to be one of God’s children.  And that happens in the everyday and ordinary that you find yourself in. I constantly find myself getting anxious about what I am supposed to be doing and where my life is heading.  It is times at these that I have to remember to TRUST. Because wherever I go or whatever I do, it is ordained by the Author of life and so even if it seems pointless, I can know it will turn out into a great story.

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